Work From Home As digital Marketer with
Everyday more companies are waking up to the fact that digital marketing is very important and is not an optional strategy in marketing anymore. They are catching up late, but they have to catchup, there is no other option.
This shift in marketing practice is giving rise to a huge opportunity in digital marketing jobs. Times of India had reported that Digital Marketing will create 1.5 Lakh jobs in India by 2018.
“With both businesses and consumers increasingly shifting their focus to the digital medium, there will be 1.5 lakhs jobs available by 2018″ – Manipal Global Education ServicesHere’s a list of the various digital marketing positions available for those seeking a career in this arena:
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Content Marketing Manager
- Content Writers
- Inbound Marketing Manager
- Social Media Marketing Experts/Specialists
- Search Engine Marketers
- SEO Executives
- Conversion Rate Optimizer
- Copy Writers
- THEWEBMANIA.COM is giving you a chance to work as a digital marketer with us.
- Join the Affiliate program of webmania and earn money from home.
- You can earn per download(CPI),earn per sale(CPS),earn per lead(CPL)
- There are thousands of customer/ Advertiser who are looking for publisher or for marketing.
You can earn 100Rs/install of app or about 1000rs/sale
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